Korean Egg Salad Sandwich

Do you feel the urge for a quick supper but don’t want to cook? What about a Korean egg salad sandwich instead? This simple meal will delight you with its perfectly balanced flavors and textures! Don’t underestimate the power of egg salad sandwiches—they can be extremely delectable!!

What is the Korean egg salad sandwich?
Eggs that have been hard-boiled, mayonnaise, sauces, and sometimes veggies are the components that are typically used to build Korean egg sandwiches. Compared to the American variant, it has a somewhat sweeter taste. In accordance with the tastes of the individual, the consistency can range from extremely creamy to extremely thick. Throughout Korea, there are a great number of coffee shops that offer egg salad sandwiches. These sandwiches are often served between slices of milk bread. These sandwiches are perfect for breakfast, brunch, or in the evening as a light supper option.

Korean Egg Salad Sandwich
Korean Egg Salad Sandwich

How does this recipe vary from others?
With just a few minutes of preparation, this recipe may elevate an ordinary egg salad sandwich to the level of a gourmet dish. It is the seasonings that hold the sway!! Additionally, the cucumber contributes a bit of crunch to this one, which helps to maintain a healthy balance of textures! Make sure you give this nutritious sandwich a try; it has hints of sweetness, savory, and a little bit of crunch! Both easy and delicious! In order to create a mouthwatering egg salad sandwich, combine it with brioche bread.

Can I use a different type of bread?
You are free to use any kind of bread you choose, but you should make sure that it is not toasted and that it is on the softer side. Because of this, milk bread or brioche bread will be the most effective.


How long will the sandwiches last?
Due to the fact that the filling is so rich in moisture and creaminess, egg salad sandwiches should be consumed as quickly as possible. If it has not been opened, place it in a container that is airtight for a day. When it comes to taking this sandwich wherever you go, you have two options. In the first place, I would suggest packing the filling in a separate container from the bread. The second step is to position lettuce leaves between the bread and the filling, both on top and off the bread. To prevent the bread from becoming soaked, the lettuce will act as a barrier between the two food items.

What should I match this sandwich with?
The answer to this question is a matter of personal preference, but it is compatible with virtually anything. They go well with crunchy potato chips, french fries, or anything acidic like pickles, which is one of my favorite ways to enjoy them. Apple slices or fresh corn on the cob are two other options that I believe would be delicious.

How else can I enjoy this egg salad?
In addition, it can be consumed with crackers and hot sauce, almost like a dip on its own. My past experience with it has shown me that it is an excellent choice for a late-night snack or an appetizer. Additionally, you could serve this as a side dish to your preferred Korean food with this meal.

Korean Egg Salad Sandwich
Korean Egg Salad Sandwich


  • 6 hard boiled eggs large size
  • 1 kirby or small korean cucumber
  • ½ tsp sea salt
  • 3 large brioche buns

Mayo Sauce

  • ⅓~½ cup mayonnaise
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • ½ tsp sugar
  • 1 tsp honey
  • 1 pinch black pepper
  • 2 tsp dijon mustard
  • ½ Tbsp lemon juice

optional ingredients

  • 1 pinch garlic powder
  • 1 pinch paprika


  • dehydrated parsley
  • paprika powder


  • Boil eggs, peel and set aside. Once cool separate the white part of egg from yellow. Chop white part and crush yellow, set aside.
  • Slice cucumber about 1/4″ thick. Combine into a bowl and toss with 1/2 tsp sea salt. Let it sit for about 10min then squeeze excess water. Tap dry with paper towel then slice or dice. Set aside.
  • Make mayo sauce. Combine all ingredients into a bowl and mix well. Taste sauce and add more salt if needed. Add egg and cucumber that was set aside. Gently fold with mayo sauce. Cool in fridge for about 15-20 mins.
  • Prepare brioche bread and spread egg salad. Garnish with parsley and paprika. Serve immediately and store leftover in fridge.

Korean Egg Salad Sandwich FAQ

1. What is a Korean Egg Salad Sandwich?

  • Answer: A Korean Egg Salad Sandwich is a popular and delicious sandwich made with a creamy and slightly sweet egg salad filling. It often includes ingredients like mayonnaise, sugar, and finely chopped vegetables, and is typically served on soft, fluffy bread.

2. What ingredients do I need for a Korean Egg Salad Sandwich?

  • Answer: Basic ingredients include:
    • Eggs
    • Mayonnaise
    • Sugar
    • Salt
    • Pepper
    • Milk or cream (optional for added creaminess)
    • Vegetables (finely chopped cucumbers, carrots, onions, or green onions)
    • Soft bread (like milk bread or brioche)
    • Optional: Kewpie mayonnaise (Japanese mayonnaise), mustard, or relish for extra flavor

3. How do I prepare the eggs for the egg salad?

  • Answer:
    1. Place eggs in a saucepan and cover them with water.
    2. Bring the water to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 10 minutes.
    3. Drain the hot water and place the eggs in a bowl of ice water to cool.
    4. Once cooled, peel the eggs and mash them with a fork or chop them finely.

4. How do I make the egg salad filling?

  • Answer:
    1. In a bowl, combine the mashed or chopped eggs with mayonnaise.
    2. Add sugar, salt, and pepper to taste. Start with about 1/2 teaspoon of sugar and adjust based on your preference.
    3. Add finely chopped vegetables, if using.
    4. Mix in a small amount of milk or cream for extra creaminess, if desired.
    5. Stir until all ingredients are well combined.

5. How do I assemble the sandwich?

  • Answer:
    1. Spread a generous amount of egg salad filling on a slice of soft bread.
    2. Top with another slice of bread.
    3. For an extra touch, you can add lettuce, cucumber slices, or tomato slices.
    4. Cut the sandwich in half diagonally or into smaller pieces for serving.

6. Can I make the egg salad ahead of time?

  • Answer: Yes, you can prepare the egg salad filling ahead of time and store it in the refrigerator in an airtight container for up to 2 days. Assemble the sandwiches just before serving for the best texture.

7. What type of bread is best for a Korean Egg Salad Sandwich?

  • Answer: Soft, fluffy bread is ideal. Milk bread, brioche, or any other type of soft white bread works well. The bread should be slightly sweet and very soft to complement the creamy egg salad.

8. Can I add other ingredients to the egg salad?

  • Answer: Yes, you can customize the egg salad with additional ingredients such as mustard, pickles, relish, or even a dash of hot sauce. Just be mindful of balancing the flavors.

9. Is there a vegetarian or vegan version of this sandwich?

  • Answer: For a vegetarian version, simply ensure all ingredients are vegetarian-friendly. For a vegan version, use tofu or chickpeas instead of eggs, and vegan mayonnaise. Adjust seasonings to taste.

10. How can I make the sandwich more nutritious?

  • Answer: To add more nutrition, consider adding fresh vegetables like lettuce, spinach, or avocado. You can also use whole grain bread instead of white bread for added fiber.

11. Can I toast the bread for the sandwich?

  • Answer: While traditional Korean Egg Salad Sandwiches use soft, untoasted bread, you can toast the bread if you prefer a bit of crunch. Lightly toast the bread to maintain some softness.

12. How do I store leftover sandwiches?

  • Answer: Store any leftover sandwiches in an airtight container in the refrigerator. For the best quality, consume within a day. However, the bread might become soggy if stored for too long.

13. What makes Korean Egg Salad different from other egg salads?

  • Answer: The Korean version often includes a touch of sweetness from sugar, and may use Kewpie mayonnaise, which is creamier and slightly tangier than regular mayonnaise. The texture is typically very smooth and creamy.


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