When it comes to preparing tofu in a skillet by deep-frying it, this approach is so good that it is difficult to stress how good it is. It is quite remarkable how this strategy works. On the other hand, the circumstance is not very complicated. I have a distinct remembrance of the fact that when I was a child, my mother would make this dish, and I would effortlessly be able to swallow an entire batch of it by myself. I remember this with great clarity. This is something that jumps out at me as being really noteworthy. I am able to recall this statement with a high degree of clarity.


To the best of my recollection, Mom would frequently prepare it on a frequency that was roughly equivalent to regular. It was due to the fact that I was working at the time that I was able to successfully complete this duty with flying colors. I would like to express my appreciation for this chance. If you are able to provide me with particular details that outline the manner in which I am attempting to spread this erroneous information, I would be extremely grateful to have the opportunity to view them. At this very moment, despite the fact that I am an adult, there is still a possibility that I may swallow the entire batch of it by myself. The fact that it is feasible for me to do so is not diminished by the likelihood that this possibility exists.

Something like this is something that I am able to accomplish on my own without any aid from anyone else. One of the ways that I feel the most at ease when it comes to eating tofu is when it is combined with this particular strategy. This is one of the ways that I experience the greatest sense of peace. One of the ways in which I feel the most at ease is by performing this movement. From my perspective, the experience has significantly exceeded the expectations that I had going into it. I am quite pleased with how it has turned out.


Before removing the tofu slices from the oven, they are given a little browning on both sides of the slices. It is after the slices have been cut into slices in accordance with the method that came before this one that this step takes place. This second step takes place after the slices have been sliced into slices and after the slices have been separated from one another (after the slices have been cut into slices). In the event that you prepare a significant amount of Korean or Asian cuisine at home, it is very likely that you already possess the components that are anticipated to be utilized in the production of the Korean spicy sauce. This is due to the fact that the sauce cannot be made without each of these distinct components.

At this point, it is highly probable that you already possess these components in your pantry. In light of the fact that it is quite probable that you already own the essential components in your food pantry, this is the reason why this is the situation being described. This is because the components are supposed to be used in the process of making the sauce preparation, which is the reason why this happens. This is the reason why this happens. The possibility that you have all of these components hidden away in your cabinet is the foundation around which this theory is built. It is on the basis of this foundation that this hypothesis is constructed. The foundation for this particular presumption is this particular premise, which acts as the explanation.


During the second part of the cooking process, the tofu, onions that have been stir-fried, and spicy sauce are all cooked together and combined together. This occurs while the cooking process is taking place. While the tofu is being cooked, this step is carried out. To make the process of cooking more straightforward and less complicated, this is done in order to make it easier to carry out. As a result of the fact that this is the case, the tofu is able to take in all of the scrumptious taste of the spicy sauce, and as a consequence of this, it will finally become entirely soft and it will not have any graininess at all. As a result of this, the tofu is able to do the role it was intended for it to perform. This was the impetus for its development in the first place.

Ingredients needed to make our spicy tofu recipe

  • Extra-firm tofu packages
  • Yellow/white onions
  • Green onions
  • Olive oil

For the spicy braising sauce:

  • Garlic cloves
  • Korean red chili pepper flakes (gochugaru)
  • White vinegar
  • Soy sauce
  • Fish sauce
  • Salt
  • Black pepper
  • Jalapeño pepper
  • Water
  • Dasida beef stock powder

How to make Korean spicy braised tofu

Step 1: Prep the tofu

Cut tofu into rectangles about a quarter of an inch thickness.

Step 2: Start stir-frying the onions

Grab a frying pan and place it on medium-high heat. Add a bit of olive oil to the pan once the pan is hot and stir fry onions until well done. Put cooked onions into a bowl and set aside for later.

Step 3: Brown the tofu slices

Add 1 tbsp of olive oil to the same pan you just cooked the onions in, turn the stove back to medium heat, add tofu, and lightly brown the tofu on both sides. Continue browning the tofu pieces and set them aside for later.

Step 4: Make the braising sauce

Combine all the ingredients together needed to make the spicy braising sauce plus 3 tbsp of olive oil into a separate bowl and mix together well.

Step 4: Assemble the layers for braising

Now, let’s assemble the layers and get ready to braise. Add a thin layer of your cooked onions into a medium/large-sized pot. Then add a single layer of cooked tofu on top of the onions.

Grab a spoonful of sauce (made in step four), and add a thin layer on top of your cooked tofu and onions.

Add another thin layer of the onion. Then add a single layer of cooked tofu again, and add a thin layer of sauce again. Repeat this layering process until all onions, tofu, and sauce are used. If there is any sauce leftover, you can just drizzle it on top of the layers. Use up all the sauce for ultimate flavor.

Step 5: Add the sliced green onions/braise low & slow

Add the sliced green onions to the top of the pot of the layered onions and tofu. Place the pot on the stovetop, turn on the stovetop to low heat to simmer the tofu with the onions and sauce. Simmer together for about 15 minutes.

Step 6: Midway through the braising time flip the layers around

Check the layered tofu halfway and gently flip the top layer to the bottom of the pot for even cooking and so the sauce can soak into all the tofu pieces. Continue cooking until the sauce is 80% gone/reduced from the pan.

Step 7: Serve and enjoy!

We hope you enjoy this easy and delicious Korean Spicy Braised Tofu recipe!

Korean Spicy Braised Tofu (Dubu Jorim) FAQ

1. What is Dubu Jorim (Korean Spicy Braised Tofu)?

  • Answer: Dubu Jorim is a popular Korean side dish (banchan) made by braising tofu in a savory and spicy sauce. The tofu is typically pan-fried until crispy and then simmered in a sauce made from soy sauce, gochujang (Korean red chili paste), garlic, and other seasonings.

2. What ingredients do I need for Korean Spicy Braised Tofu?

  • Answer: Basic ingredients include:
    • Firm or extra-firm tofu
    • Soy sauce
    • Gochujang (Korean red chili paste)
    • Garlic, minced
    • Green onions, chopped
    • Sugar or honey
    • Sesame oil
    • Vegetable oil (for frying)
    • Water or vegetable broth
    • Sesame seeds (for garnish)
    • Optional: Gochugaru (Korean red chili flakes) for extra heat

3. How do I prepare the tofu for braising?

  • Answer:
    1. Drain the tofu and pat it dry with paper towels.
    2. Cut the tofu into bite-sized rectangular or square pieces.
    3. To remove excess moisture, you can press the tofu by placing it between paper towels and putting a weight on top (like a heavy skillet) for about 15-20 minutes.

4. How do I make the braising sauce for Dubu Jorim?

  • Answer:
    1. In a small bowl, mix together 3 tablespoons of soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of gochujang, 1 tablespoon of sugar or honey, 2 minced garlic cloves, and 1/2 cup of water or vegetable broth.
    2. Adjust the amount of gochujang based on your desired spice level. Add a pinch of gochugaru if you want it spicier.
    3. Stir in 1 teaspoon of sesame oil and a handful of chopped green onions.

5. How do I cook Korean Spicy Braised Tofu?

  • Answer:
    1. Heat 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat.
    2. Add the tofu pieces and pan-fry until golden brown and crispy on all sides, about 3-4 minutes per side. Remove the tofu from the skillet and set aside.
    3. In the same skillet, add the braising sauce and bring it to a simmer.
    4. Return the tofu to the skillet and spoon the sauce over the tofu to coat.
    5. Reduce the heat to low and let the tofu simmer in the sauce for about 5-7 minutes, allowing the flavors to meld.
    6. Garnish with sesame seeds and additional chopped green onions before serving.

6. Can I make this dish less spicy?

  • Answer: Yes, you can reduce the amount of gochujang or use a mild version of it. You can also omit the gochugaru and add a bit more sugar or honey to balance the heat.

7. What can I serve with Dubu Jorim?

  • Answer: Serve Dubu Jorim as part of a Korean meal with steamed rice and other banchan (side dishes) like kimchi, pickled radishes, or seasoned vegetables. It can also be enjoyed as a main dish with a side of rice and some simple steamed or stir-fried vegetables.

8. How do I store and reheat leftovers?

  • Answer: Store leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Reheat in a skillet over medium heat or in the microwave until warmed through.

9. Can I make a vegetarian or vegan version of this dish?

  • Answer: The basic recipe is already vegetarian and vegan as long as all the ingredients, like gochujang and soy sauce, are vegan-friendly.

10. What other vegetables can I add to this dish?

  • Answer: You can add vegetables like bell peppers, zucchini, or mushrooms. Stir-fry them separately and then add them to the skillet along with the tofu and sauce.

11. Can I bake the tofu instead of pan-frying it?

  • Answer: Yes, you can bake the tofu for a healthier option. Preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C), place the tofu pieces on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, and bake for 25-30 minutes, flipping halfway through, until golden brown and crispy.

12. What if I don’t have gochujang?

  • Answer: If you don’t have gochujang, you can use a mix of miso paste and a bit of sriracha or another type of chili paste, though the flavor will be slightly different.

13. How can I make the tofu more flavorful?

  • Answer: Marinate the tofu in a mixture of soy sauce, garlic, and sesame oil for about 15-30 minutes before frying. This will infuse more flavor into the tofu.

14. Is it possible to make this dish gluten-free?

  • Answer: Yes, ensure that your soy sauce and gochujang are gluten-free. Substitute tamari or gluten-free soy sauce for regular soy sauce.



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